Abril / April 2022. Dibujante urbano entre dos mundos.

Este mes, aprovechando los dias de vacaciones de la Pascua ortodoxa, nos hemos acercado a uno de esas ciudades magicas, llenas de historia, de arte, de tradicion y de fabulas.

Ademas de ser la puerta entre dos mundos, Oriente y Occidente.

Y alli estaba, Santa Sofia, o Hagia Sophia, un lugar emblematico e imponente como hay pocos en el mundo. Simbolo de imperios y lugar de culto de religiones.

¡1.500 años de historia nos contemplaban!

Como he disfrutado dibujandola y soñando con las multiples historias sucedidas alrededor de sus muros

Pura magia.


This month, taking advantage of the Orthodox Easter vacation days, we have visited one of those magical places that are full of history, art, tradition and fables.
Besides being the gate between two worlds; the East and the West.
An there it was, Santa Sophia, or Hagia Sophia, an emblematic and imposing place like there are only a few in the world. Symbol of Empires and place of worship of different religions.
15 centuries of history were watching us!
I have enjoyed drawing it and dreaming about the many stories that happenned around its walls.
Pure magic!
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