Estoy ahora liado pintando una serie de acuarelas sobre soldados de los Tercios de Flandes, que espero que salga publicada no a mucho tardar.
No hay duda de que pintar acuarela es un autentico disfrute, especialmente cuando estoy de satisfecho con el resultado final obtenido, cosa que no sucede en todos los casos, ha, ha…!
Pero pintar a los Tercios me supone un extra de motivacion, pues aquellos hombres olvidados hoy en dia por la cultura española, son la base en la que se sustentó la grandeza de aquella España donde no se ponia el sol. Dieron su vida por España, por Dios y por su Rey y sin duda merecen nuestro reconcimiento y admiracion.
Esta es mi manera de expresarles mi admiracion y mi orgullo de ser infante heredero de aquellos Tercios.
Aqui podeis ver una de esas acuarelas, todavia a medio terminar. Espero que os guste.
I am busy now painting a series of watercolors about soldiers of the “Tercios de Flanders”, which I hope will be published soon.
There is no doubt that painting watercolor is an authentic enjoyment, especially when I am satisfied with the final result obtained, which does not happen in all cases, ha, ha …!
But painting the Tercios has an extra of motivation, because those men, forgotten today by the Spanish culture, were the basis on which the greatness of that Spain “where the sun never set” was sustained.
They gave their lives for Spain, for God and for their King and without a doubt they deserve our recognition and admiration.
This is my way of expressing my admiration and also my pride of being an Infantry guy, heir of those Tercios.
Here you can see one of these watercolors, still half way to go. I hope you like it.