Diciembre /December 2015. El milagro de Empel.


8 de Diciembre, día de la Inmaculada, patrona de España y de su Infantería. ¡La mejor infantería del mundo!

En Empel, Holanda, donde ocurrió la hazaña que dio origen a este patronazgo, existe una capilla como recuerdo de aquello…

Y en esa capilla, desde hace poco más de un año se ha colocado una figura mía del mosquetero de los Tercios. Lo que sin duda, para mi supone un doble honor; un honor como escultor  y un honor como Infante. Arriba podéis ver una foto del interior de la capilla tomada antes de ayer.

“No hay a su pie risco vedado,…”

¡Feliz día de la Inmaculada!



December 8, day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. She is the Patron Saint of Spain and the Spanish infantry. The best infantry ever!

This patronage comes from Empel, in the Netherlands, where in December 8, 1585, during the war of the 80 years, the situation for the Spanish troops fighting there looked desperate. However, a Spanish soldier, while digging a trench, found a painting representing Mary of the Immaculate Conception. The Spanish troops saw that as a sign from God and worshiped the painting.

The next day the wind turned, and an intense cold made the water freeze. The Dutch fleet surrounding the Spaniards had to withdraw, to avoid being caught in the ice, and the exhausted Spanish soldiers saw themselves free from the enemy.

Well…, nowadays there is a chapel in Empel in memory of that. And in this chapel, around a year ago, it was placed a copy of one of my figures, the Spanish Musketeer.

Certainly this is for me a double honor; an honor as a sculptor and an honor as Infantry man.

Happy day of the Immaculate Conception!

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